Well, I'm back from a perfectly lovely week on the North Shore of my favorite Lake (is it? I've never said that before, exactly.) and much to my recent dismay I have found out that it takes approximately six days in the city and four days back at work for me to feel vaguely as though life is coming to an end.
Today in a somewhat stark but nonetheless pleasant moment I realized that I honestly do not know the answer to the question "what have I got to lose?"...
Even so I had a nice dinner alone tonight, including mint and basil and cilantro and radish and garlic chives and nasturtiums from the garden, chicken from the grill and odds and ends from the fridge and cupboard...
this is what emotional eating looks like. (no cherry on top.)
I'd really wanted to do some writing about the all-too-brief trip before its memory drifted off to distant shores, but it's fading nearly as fast as the evening sun (though it lingers sweetly) and at the moment I'd best be off for a walk in this delicious weather, and save my thoughts for another time. More coming.